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[Finance-Stock software system81404592

Description: 一个用delphi编写的股票分析系统,值得大家讨论研究-prepared with a stock analysis system, we should discuss
Platform: | Size: 193536 | Author: 明松 | Hits:


Description: Stock 分析软件 股票分析软件 -stock analysis software
Platform: | Size: 67584 | Author: dd | Hits:


Description: 价值20万的股票分析源文件,本股票软件含有多技术指标显示、分组行情排序、策略报表、动态计算、股票历史数据转换导出等丰富的证券分析功能,软件独创的以策略为核心的投资方式,详尽的策略设计,为股票投资者提供了获取长期稳定收益的方法。 -200,000 worth of stock analysis of the source file, the software contains many stocks technical indicators suggest a sort rates, Strategy statements, dynamic, historical stock data conversion and other rich derived securities analysis, to the original software as the core strategy of investment, detailed design strategy, stock investors to provide access to long-term, stable yield.
Platform: | Size: 137216 | Author: ganmin | Hits:

[Button controlStockControl111

Description: 股票分析软件, 股票分析软件 ,股票分析软件 -stock analysis software, sto ck analysis software stock analysis software Stock analysis software stock analysis software
Platform: | Size: 319488 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programStockAny

Description: 股票分析,数据接受,图形绘制,股票信息采集源码-Stock analysis, data acceptance, graphics rendering, stock information collection source
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: zhuzhongshan | Hits:


Description: 股票筹码分布,超级经典,大家赶快来下载,快来下载吧-Distribution of the stock chip, super classic, everyone as soon as possible to download, Come download it
Platform: | Size: 19070976 | Author: wdf | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemweighscore-cli

Description: 神经网络命令行工具,进行股票的分析和预测-Neural network command line tools, stock analysis and prediction
Platform: | Size: 365568 | Author: 陈阳 | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemstock

Description: 从网站获取股票信息分析的代码,太老了,需要修改才能使用。可供参考-Access to stock information from the site analysis of code, too old, need to be amended in order to use. For reference
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: wangkai | Hits:

[Telnet Serversocketjs-1

Description: HttpStock 是基于 HTTP/1.1 通讯协议的证券信息服务协议. 正好证券服务器使用 HttpStock 协议与客户机通讯,客户机可能是正好股票分析这样的分析软件,也可能是 IE, netscape 这样的通用浏览器. 你编写的股票分析软件, 也可以通过 HttpStock 协议从服务器获得你需要的证券数据. -HttpStock is based on the HTTP/1.1 protocol agreement securities information services. Just HttpStock agreement to use the securities server and client communications, the client may be precisely this kind of analysis of the stock analysis software, or it may be IE, netscape such a standard Web browser. You the preparation of stock analysis software, can also be obtained from the server HttpStock agreement securities data you need.
Platform: | Size: 275456 | Author: | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemgupiaofenxi

Description: 是款功能比较全的股票分析系统,实现了时间段查询及数据提取等大部分实用的股票分析-Function is relatively wide section of the stock analysis system, to achieve a period of time inquiries and data extraction, and most other utility stocks analysis
Platform: | Size: 444416 | Author: 张五一 | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemstock

Description: 一个股票分析系统,在开发时根据数据库类型选择不同的文件。 -A stock analysis system, according to the database when in the development of different types of documents.
Platform: | Size: 350208 | Author: locust | Hits:

[Windows Developstock

Description: share 股票分析-share of stock analysis
Platform: | Size: 528384 | Author: deaker | Hits:


Description: 股票分析的书籍,教你如何用遗传算法来,预测股票的价格。-Stock analysis of books, teach you how to use genetic algorithm to predict stock prices.
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: tangchao | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemstockanalysissystemVB

Description: 一个使用VB写的股票行情分析系统-stock analysis system
Platform: | Size: 841728 | Author: 王浩 | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemstock

Description: vb编写的股票分析程序,显示股票代码,名称,昨日收盘、今日开盘,成交量,涨跌情况,股票类型,分析股票形势,显示百分比饼图,快速查询股票代码等-vb write stock analysis program, display the stock code, name, yesterday' s close, today' s opening, turnover, Change, stock types, analysis of the stock situation, show the percentage of a pie chart, quick check stock code, etc.
Platform: | Size: 274432 | Author: 郑周 | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemstock

Description: 股票分析软件 使用时,请选择data目录下是我文件,其他文件也需按照该格式进行-Stock analysis software, select the data directory is my documents and other documents required in accordance with the format
Platform: | Size: 159744 | Author: 吴利民 | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemstock

Description: Linux gtk开发的股票分析软件源码,据说是钱龙软件的前身。已经调试通过,安装gtk和mysql就可以使用。-Linux gtk development of the stock analysis software source code, the software is said to be the predecessor of Qian. Have to debug through, install gtk and mysql can be used.
Platform: | Size: 501760 | Author: xiebiwei | Hits:


Description: 股票分析软件,提供给用户盘后分析功能,适合中线投资-Stock analysis software, available to users after-hours analysis for midline investment
Platform: | Size: 3390464 | Author: sandy | Hits:


Description: 股票分析软件源码配套开发文档, 包括版本功能、程序体系结构、开发使用的第三方库说明、代理服务器编程、公式平台的开发、指标的读取和指标的结构、提高行情刷新速度方案 -Supporting the development of stock analysis software source documents, supporting the development of stock analysis software source documents, including the version function, program architecture, the development of third-party libraries that use the proxy server program, the formula platform development, indicators and targets to read the structure of Quotes refresh rate programs to improve
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: oliver | Hits:


Description: StockInfo2k.mdb:Access2000数据库文件 StockInfo.sql:SQL脚本 StockInfo.db.bak:SQL Server数据库备份文件 ================================================== 本系统演示需要StockInfo2k.mdb,读者在开发时根据数据库类型选择不同的文件。-Stock analysis
Platform: | Size: 273408 | Author: 保罗 | Hits:
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